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建筑节能(中英文)Building Energy EFFICIENCY 건축절능


期刊简介: 《建筑节能(中英文)》杂志,是由中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司主管,中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司、中国建筑节能协会主办的国家级建筑节能专业技术期刊。 多年来,来自住建部建筑节能中心、清华大学建筑节能研究中心、中国建筑学会、中国城市科学研究会、中国勘察设计协会、中国节能协会等多家行业权威学术机构的近百位专家学者,对杂志出版工作、公益学术交流工作鼎力支持。 在清华大学江亿院士、中建集团毛志兵总工指导下,《建筑节能(中英文)》杂志编审委员会由近百位行业资深专家学者构成,持续为杂志发展进行学术指导,切实贯彻“创新、引领、服务”的办刊宗旨,与行业同仁积极探索建筑科学用能路径。 2007年期刊荣获中国“首届《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊奖;2011年荣获“全国建筑行业精品期刊”称号;2013年起,连年获评中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊),以及RCCSE中国核心学术期刊。2020年入选建筑科学领域高质量科技期刊分级目录(T3)。现为美国《乌利希期刊指南(网络版)》注册期刊、美国信息集团ProQuest数据库来源期刊、美国《化学文摘(网络版)》来源期刊、英国《科学文摘(网络版)》(INSPEC)来源期刊、《日本科学技术振兴机构(中国文献数据库)》(JSTChina)来源期刊。 《建筑节能(中英文)》杂志常设建筑碳中和、绿色建筑、保温隔热、暖通空调、可再生能源利用、智慧运维、节能改造、电气与智能化、直流建筑技术等专栏,并适时根据行业科技前沿动态进行专题专栏(刊)组稿策划工作。 追溯历史,杂志前身《硅酸盐建筑制品》由中建东北院老前辈始创于1973年,随着行业技术发展变革多次改刊,传承至今,期刊现已成为具有50余载文脉的、宝贵的学术交流平台。当前,《建筑节能(中英文)》杂志为服务国家战略、推进建筑行业高质量发展、促进行业交流合作,在学术领域上不断求索、努力作为,为我国建筑业节能减排工作做出了应有贡献。 曾用名:建筑节能(2006-2020),房材与应用(1996-2006),硅酸盐建筑制品(1973-1996) 主管:中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司 主办:中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司,中国建筑节能协会 客座主编:林波荣(清华大学建筑学院) 出版周期:月刊 语种:中英文 国际刊号:2096-9422 国内刊号:21-1612/TU 影响因子:1.132 在线投稿平台:http://fcyy.cbpt.cnki.ne Email:bee@vip.126.com Tel:024-81979463 工作微信:17887507336 新媒体全平台搜索:建筑节能杂志(社) 地址:110003/沈阳市和平区光荣街65号 欢迎投稿: (1)中文稿(请下载投稿须知、论文模版,参照执行;在尊重作者意愿的前提下,欢迎撰写500-800单词的长英文摘要,增强来稿在国际数据检索机会); (2)英文稿(论文模版对标国际期刊Energy and Buildings,另请提供2000字汉语文摘,便于扩大国内读者阅读引用几率); (3)中英双语对照投稿(更适合综述类文献)。 《建筑节能(中英文)》杂志第四届编审委员会 主任委员:江亿 毛志兵 副主任委员:冯雅 朱颖心 李德英 张旭 金丽娜 孟庆林 赵元超 徐伟 顾   问:王有为 王崇杰 付祥钊 李桂文 吴德绳 何梓年 武涌 委员(以姓氏笔画为序): 丁勇 万水娥 马友才 王立雄 王志峰 王者 王怡 王昭俊 王盛卫 王清勤 王新轲 牛建磊 石文星 田炜 冉茂宇 冯国会 冯威 吕石磊 伍小亭 任俊 刘刚 刘明生 刘晓华 刘猛 刘淑丽 许锦峰 许鹏 李百战 李先庭 李峥嵘 李炳华 李绥 李琼 杨仕超 杨旭东 杨建荣 杨柳 连之伟 吴会军 宋波 宋晔皓 张仁瑜 张吉礼 张守峰 张时聪 张宏 张崟 张寅平 陈志新 陈毅兴 邵双全 范欣 林波荣 罗英 罗涛 季伟 金虹 金鹏 周辉 赵立华 赵民 赵锂 郝斌 侯鸿章 秦朝葵 夏卓平 徐宏庆 徐强 徐稳龙 高庆龙 高岩 郭晓岩 黄晨 曹阳 龚延风 葛坚 董宏 韩宗伟 曾捷 端木琳 翟志强 熊江 潘云钢 潘毅群 燕达 Journal of Building Energy Efficiency Guest Editor-in-chief: LIN Borong (School of Architecture, Tsinghua University) ISSN 2096-9422 CN21-1612/TU IF: 1.132 http://fcyy.cbpt.cnki.ne Email:bee@vip.126.com Tel:86-24-81979463 Mobile phone: 86 17887507336 Add: Editorial Department of Building Energy Efficiency 2F, No.65, Str. Guangrong, Heping District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R.C CALL FOR PAPERS Welcome Global Authors' Contribution to the Journal of Building Energy Efficiency in Chinese and/or in English! (1) Chinese manuscripts (same as the current regular mode of publishing articles; the long English abstracts of 500-800 words is encouraged according your vision); (2) English manuscript (same as the basic mode of publishing articles in international high-quality English journals, such as Energy and Buildings, and a 2,000-word Chinese abstract is required); (3) Bilingual manuscript (more suitable for Review). DESCRIPTION Journal of Building Energy Efficiency, initiated in October 2006, supplies an exchanging platform for authors and readers on investigations, innovation, research and development of energy efficiency in buildings. The JOURNAL has been classified into the “Catalog of High-quality Sci-Tech Journals of Building Science(2020)” in the first selection by the Architectural Society of China(ASC), based on principals of value orientation, peer review, and equivalent evaluation to the international journals. The JOURNAL has been certificated as the “Source Journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations” by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China(ISTIC) since 2013, and the “China Core Academic Journal of RCCSE” by Library of Wuhan University and other cooperating institutes since 2014. The JOURNAL participated the “China Fine Journal Exhibition(2020)” in the 27th Beijing International Book Fair. The JOURNAL is the registered one in Ulrichsweb; and a certain number of published papers are included in ProQuest and CA in USA, INSPEC in UK, and JSTChina in Japan. In November 2020, the publishing language of the JOURNAL was approved to expand to Chinese and English by the National Press and Publication Administration. TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE: Domestic and overseas authors are encouraged to submit original papers and review articles with comprehensive analysis of literatures, accurate simulation, detailed data, profound expounding and persuasive conclusions. Your contributions should mainly focus on the carbon emission in buildings, sustainable architectural design, thermal insulation of envelope, HVAC, smart operation, renewable energy utilization, energy-saving retrofitting, standards and specifications analysis, building electricity and intelligence, etc. Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results. Replication studies should include brief introduction and discussion sections that succinctly report the goal of the original paper. The original paper should be the work of a different author or group of authors. AUDIENCE Architects, Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Energy Researchers, Energy Policy Makers, Building Industry EDITORIAL BOARD Editorial Board of the Journal of "Building Energy Efficiency" Directors JIANG Yi, Tsinghua University MAO Zhibing, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Deputy-Directors FENG Ya, China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp. Ltd. ZHU Yingxin, Tsinghua University LI Deying, China Association of Building Energy Efficiency ZHANG Xu, Tongji University JIN Lina, China Northeast Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. MENG Qinglin, South China University of Technology ZHAO Yuanchao, China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. XU Wei, China Academy of Building Research Consultants WANG Youwei, China Green Building Council of CUSU WANG Chongjie, Shandong Jianzhu University FU Xiangzhao, Chongqing University LI Guiwen, Harbin Institute of Technology WU Desheng, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. HE Zinian, Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute WU Yong, China Association of Building Energy Efficiency Members DING Yong, Chongqing University WAN Shui'e, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. MA Youcai, Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd WANG Lixiong, Building Technology Research Institute, Tianjin University WANG Zhifeng, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences WANG Zhe, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology WANG Yi, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology WANG Zhaojun, Harbin Institute of Technology WANG Shengwei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University WANG Qingqin, China Academy of Building Research WANG Xinke, Xi’an Jiaotong University NIU Jianlei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University SHI Wenxing, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University TIAN Wei, Nanjing YangTze River Urban Architectural Design Co., Ltd. RAN Maoyu, School of Architecture, Huaqiao University FENG Guohui, Shenyang Jianzhu University FENG Wei, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA LYU Shilei, Tianjin University WU Xiaoting, Tianjin Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd. REN Jun, Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. LIU Gang, School of Architecture, Tianjin University LIU Mingsheng, Bes-tech Inc, USA LIU Xiaohua, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University LIU Meng, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University LIU Shuli, Beijing Institute of Technology XU Jinfeng, Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd. XU Peng, Tongji University LI Baizhan, Chongqing University LI Xianting, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University LI Zhengrong, Tongji University LI Binghua, CCDI Group LI Sui, Research Center for Ecological Urbanization and Green Building, Shenyang Jianzhu University LI Qiong, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology YANG Shichao, Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research Group Co., Ltd. YANG Xudong, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University YANG Jianrong, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences YANG Liu, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology LIAN Zhiwei, Shanghai Jiaotong University WU Huijun, School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University SONG Bo, China Academy of Building Research SONG Yehao, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University ZHANG Renyu, National Center for Quality Supervision and Test of Building Energy ZHANG Jili, Institute of Building Energy, Dalian University of Technology ZHANG Shoufeng, China Architecture Design and Research Group ZHANG Shicong, China Academy of Building Research ZHANG Hong, Architecture School, SEU ZHANG Yin, Deloitte China ZHANG Yinping, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University CHEN Zhixin, China Northeast Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd CHEN Yixing, Hunan University SHAO Shuangquan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology FAN Xin, Xinjiang Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. LIN Borong, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University LUO Ying, China ENFI Engineering Corporation LUO Tao, China Academy of Building Research JI Wei, China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. JIN Hong, Harbin Institute of Technology JIN Peng, China Northeast Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. ZHOU Hui, China State Construction Technical Center ZHAO Lihua, South China University of Technology ZHAO Min, China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. ZHAO Li, China Architecture Design and Research Group HAO Bin, Shenzhen Institute of Building Research HOU Hongzhang, China Northeast Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. QIN Chaokui, Gas Engineering Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University XIA Zhuoping, Jiangsu Provincial Architectural D&R Institute Ltd. XU Hongqing, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. XU Qiang, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd. XU Wenlong, China Architecture Design and Research Group GAO Qinglong, Sichuan University GAO Yan, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture GUO Xiaoyan, China Northeast Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd HUANG Chen, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology CAO Yang, China Architecture Design and Research Group GONG Yanfeng, Nanjing Tech University GE Jian, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University DONG Hong, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture HAN Zongwei, Department of Thermal Engineering, Northeastern University ZENG Jie, China Academy of Building Research DUANMU Lin, Dalian University of Technology Zhiqiang(John) ZHAI, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA XIONG Jiang, Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd. PAN Yungang, China Architecture Design and Research Group PAN Yiqun, Tongji University YAN Da, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University All papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Board composing of well-known experts and scholars and a group of professional peer-reviewers with concrete suggestions back to authors for revision before publication.

主办单位: 中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司,中国建筑节能协会
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